New Year, New You…
by Taylor Smith, CHOP5 Wellness Blogger
You may be thinking, “was it just me or did this year fly by?” —-No, it was definitely not just you! Many of us tend to feel like the months just fly by. Yesterday may have felt like it was summer, where we were all outside by the pool or having a family barbecue. And now, believe it or not, it’s already the holiday season! The holiday season is a busy and stressful time in general for most of us, but it can be extra stressful with the thought of the New Year coming up just around the corner. The concept of a new year often evokes pressure to come up with the best New Year’s resolutions or to be a “new you”.
Fully transforming yourself or changing your habits on January 1st is very difficult to say the least. Many people stick with their resolutions for about a week and then lose motivation or become inconsistent. I’ve been there and done that. That’s why I like the concept of “New Year’s intentions”. An intention is something you want to manifest in your life or some guiding principle that you want to live by, while resolutions are hard and fast goals that are either achieved or broken. Intentions create your lifestyle because they are broader ideas that are for the long-term compared to resolutions that are short-term goals.
So, I highly suggest you take the time to write down your New Year’s intentions for all aspects of your life. If you’re stuck on how to start don’t worry because I’ll give you some ideas below!
Brainstorm Your Intentions
If you’re feeling overwhelmed on what intentions to set for yourself, let’s start by asking ourselves some questions:
- Are you content with who you are? Physically? Mentally? How you treat others?
- Do you wish you could change anything about yourself or your lifestyle?
- Are you ashamed of any bad habits?
- What is one thing that would make you happier with yourself?
- Do you feel that you are the best version of you/living up to your potential?
- What have you struggled with this year?
Take some time to reflect and jot down some ideas in different aspects of your life. Maybe some intentions came to you instantly and maybe you realized some more after being honest with yourself.
My New Year’s Intentions
- Physical
- Eat mindfully—do not restrict or binge: listen to hunger and fullness cues, portion my food out, have grace with myself
- Have a balanced diet, but overall make nutritional food choices—like stopping at CHOP5 to get a salad/bowl instead of a fast-food place
- Exercise at least 5 days a week, with a rest day or two built in to recover
- Hydrate constantly throughout the day
- Get 8-10 hours of sleep every night—-go to bed before 11pm
- Put in work for lacrosse—sprints, lifting & skills work
- Mental
- Journal down my thoughts/feelings
- Go outside every day—yay sunshine!!!
- Read books for fun!
- Plan dates with friends, like girls’ days on the weekend!
- Keep in touch with long-distance friends to maintain relationships
- Listen to relatable & helpful podcasts
- Do at least one self-care thing every day—watch a show, put a facemask on, get a massage, listen to music, take a nap, eat your favorite food, etc.
- Set boundaries for yourself—be intentional on what you say yes to & how you spend your time & with who
If having a long list of intentions is even more stressful for you, pick your top two (or however many you want) to focus on at first! Maybe start with something simple, like mixing in a salad? If you are near Columbus (Upper Arlington and Polaris) or Orlando, give us a call!
All in all, having intentions is very important if you want to start off the New Year on the right foot. Actions and good habits don’t just happen, they take thought, effort, and time. Intentions give you a foundation to fall back on and guide you on a positive path. They spark action and influence how you live your day-to-day life. Without intentions, many of us would wander through life without making any improvements. So, take this seriously if you want to transform yourself and your life! I hope everyone has a fantastic year!